Welcome to Wild Vibe Style


Hey all! I just wanted to welcome you to this site and give you the insight on what Wild Style Vibe is all about. People would always ask me, “How do you find the time or motivation to exercise and stay fit?” I would reply with “I’ve always been pretty active and it has just become a part of my lifestyle. At this point it’s my daily routine. Although that is the truth, I thought, well why do I stay consistent? What attitude or vibe am I starting my day with to make sure I move my body every day? Being active and seeing results in my body over the years made me love it even more. In addition to seeing results, as time went on I realized it helps me get through anything, mentally when I workout. It is actually a great outlet and it definitely helps me get through any frustration, worry or anxiety that I may have, about anything. I started paying more attention to the foods I consistently eat and made necessary changes for the better as well. 


I want to share my life in health and fitness in hopes that it will inspire and motivate all women to continuously work on becoming their best self. What I’ve learned along the way is, it is 100% mindset. You have to have your mind right, otherwise you’ll be inconsistent and have highs and lows with your body all the time. Focus on a consistent lifestyle, reach your mini goals, then maintain them.  It’s far from easy, and it’s a tough journey, but totally worth the work you put in.


In 2020 I delivered my fourth and (final) child and I am reprogramming my body all over again. It is more challenging this time around and it’s never going to be an instant “Snap back” or “instantly snatched” situation, if we are being honest with ourselves. It’s DIFFICULT and I acknowledge that and pace myself while getting back in shape after having four kids and using emotional eating as a stress reliever.


Thank you all so much for plugging in and checking what I’m doing. I’m doing my best, and I know a lot of you can relate.  As long I inspire at least one person to keep working on their goals, I’m content. Thanks so much, xoxo Tati